2007-08 Visiting Artists Series
Lecture Dates
(AFO Bld Rm. 535)
Kate Gilmore
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
1- 4 pm
Su Friedrich
Thursday, November 1, 2007
1- 4 pm
Justine Kurland
Tuesday, November 13
1- 4 pm
Anthony Goicolea
Wednesday, February 6
1- 4 pm
Todd Hido
Monday, March 3
1- 4 pm
TJ Demos
Tuesday, March 18
1- 4 pm
Alan Berliner
TBA Spring 2008
Calendar and Info
Visiting Artist: Kate Gilmore
Tuesday, Oct 16 -Wednesday Oct 17, 2007

In her video performances, Kate Gilmorecreates uncomfortable situations for herself and the viewer. These are real predicaments—sometimes painful and even potentia y dangerous—bu ones that she has created for herself. Gilmore’s video works force you to squirm in a strange empathetic reactionto her predicaments
Kate Gilmore’s work has been exhibited at PS1 “Greater New York 2005,” The J. Paul Ge yMuseum, and the Haifa Museum of Art, and a two-person exhibition at the CAC, Cincinnati an in a group show at Mary Boone Ga ery, curated by AmySmith-Stewart.
Awards: Rome Prize, American Academy in Rome, Rome, Italy (2007-2008), Franklin Furna ce Fund for Performance, New York, New York, 2006/2007, Art Omi Residency Award, Ghent,New York (2007), Visiting Scholar Award, New York University, NewYork, New York, 2006,New York Foundation of the Arts Fe owship, New York, New York 2005-2006
Visiting Artist: Su Friedrich
Wednesday, Oct 31 -Thursday Nov 1, 2007

Friedrich began filmmaking in 1978 and has produced and directed eighteen 16mm films and videos, including From the Ground Up (2007), Seeing Red (2005),The Head of a Pin (2004), The Odds of Recovery (2002), Hide and Seek (1996), Rules of the Road (1993), First Comes Love (1991), Sink or Swim (1990), Damned If You Don't (1987), The Ties That Bind (1984), and Gently Down the Stream (1981). Her films have won many awards, including the Grand Prix at the Melbourne Film Festival and Outstanding Documentary at Outfest. Friedrich has received fe owships from the Rockefe er and Guggenheim Foundations as we as numerous grants from the Jerome Foundation, NYFA, NYSCA and ITVS, and in 1995 she received the Cal Arts/Alpert Award. Retrospectives of her work have been held at theMuseum of Modern Art in NY, the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Ro erdam International Film Festival, The Stadtkino in Vienna, the Pacific Cinematheque in Vancouver and the National Film Theater in London, among others. Friedrich is the writer, cinematographer, director and editor of a her films, with the exception of Hide and Seek, which was co-wri en by CathyQuinlan and shot by Jim Denault. Her work is screened and distributed widely throughout the US, Canada and Europe. She teaches film & videoproduction at Princeton University. Her DVD co ection is distributed by Outcast Films.
Visiting Artist: Justine Kurland
Monday, Nov 12 -Wednesday, Nov 14, 2007

Justine Kurland (b. 1969 in New York City) is a fine art photographer, based in New York.
Kurland graduated from Yale University in 1998 with a Master of Fine Arts degree, after studying with Gregory Crewdson and Philip Lorca di Corcia. Kurland first gained public notice withher work in the group show Another Girl, Another Planet (1999), which displayed her larg c-print staged tableau pictures of neo-romantic landscapes inhabited by young adolescent girls, half-sprites, half juvenile delinquents.
As landscapes she chose the'secret places' of late childhood; wasteland on the edges of suburbia, 'owned' only by a feral nature and unsupervised children. Her limited-edition book Spirit West (2000) featured similar work on a more ambitious scale.
In her show Community, Skyblue(2002), Kurland turned to documenting the utopian communes of Virginia and California, highlighting the unworldly aspirations of the communard by having them appear naked in her pictures and showing them as only distant figures in their landscape. In 2003she had European solo shows Golden Dawn (London) and Welcome Home (Vienna), based around these series of commune images.
Her latest book, Old Joy (2004) turns to men. She shows visionaries trekking naked into the wilderness, where they undergo spiritualexperiences. In her 2004 show Songs of Experience she explored medieval and Biblical imagery. In 2005 she had a solo show in Japan.
Visiting Curator: Charlie Stainback
Thursday,Dec 6 -Sunday,Dec 9, 2007 4 days Miami Art Basel -PHTO Research Trip
Mr. Stainback received a MMI in Museum Management from the University of California,Berkeley, an MFA in Photographic Studies from the State University of New York at Bu alo, and a BFA fromthe Kansas City Art Institute. He has served a Director of SITE Santa Fe, Ta n Museum at Skidmore Co ege, International Center of Photography, the Burden Ga ery at the Aperture Foundation, and the Visual Studies Workshop. Stainback has curated many major exhibitions, is the author of several essays, book introductions and forwards, and was Professor of Liberal Studies at Skidmore Co ege.
Visiting Artist: Anthony Goicolea
Wednesday, Feb 6 -Thursday, Feb 7, 2008

Born in 1971 in Atlanta, GA/ Based in Brooklyn, NY
Anthony Goicolea obtained a BA in Art History and a BFA in Painting from the Universi of Georgia and received his MFA from Pratt. He was accepted into the “AIM” program at the Bronx Museum of Art and has been awarded the Joan Mitchell Foundation Fellowship, the 2005 BMW Photo Paris Award and the 2006 CINTAS Fellowship.
Goicolea lives and works in New York and exhibits in the US and overseas. Goicolea’s work is in the collections of The Whitney Museum of Art, The Brooklyn Museum, MOMA, The Guggenheim, The Chicago Museum of Contemporary Photography, The ASU Museum of Art The Helmond and the Groninger Museum in the Netherlands, The Herbert Johnson Museum Art at Cornell University, El Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Castilla in Leon, Spain, The Yale University Collection and 21C Museum in Kentucky.
Twin Palms press has published two books of Goicolea’s work & a collection of videos.
Visiting Artist: Todd Hido
Monday, Mar 3 -Tuesday, Mar 4, 2008

Todd Hido is a San Francisco-based artist whose work has been featured in ArtForum, The New York Times and Vanity Fair. His photographs are in the permanent co ections of the Guggenheim, NYC, the San Francisco Museum, the Los Angeles County Museum and others. The editions of his books of photographs, Househunting and Outskirts, published 2001 and 2002 respectively, have both sold out.
Hido makes color photographs using available light and long exposures. His subjects are contemporary quotidian suburbia, empty of people and otherworldly, suggestive of abandonment and isolation.
Visiting Critic: TJ Demos
Monday Mar 17 -Saturday, Mar 22, 2008
2 days Grad Studio/Lecture in Richmond, VA 1 day PHTO Research topic course in Richmond, VA 3 days NYC PHTO Research Trip

T.J. Demos is a critic and a lecturer in the Department of Art History, University College London. A member of Art Journal’s editorial board, he writes widely on modern and contemporary art. The author of The Exiles of Marcel Duchamp (MIT Press, 2007), his essays have appeared in international journals such as Artforum, Grey Room, October, and Texte zur Kunst. He is currently at work on a new book, provisionally titled Migrations: Contemporary Art and Globalization.
Visiting Artist: Alan Berliner
TBA Bio:

Alan Berliner has completed over 14 films in the last 25 years and has also worked extensively on insta ations using video imagery. His recent film work addresses issues of family and history, using unexpected sound/image juxtapositions toreveal searingly powerful insights on how identities are tempered and shaped by our sense of the past. His films have been shown at the New York Film Festival, the Museum of Modern Art and the Jerusalem Fil m Festival. He received a Guggenheim Fe owship (1993), a Rockefe er Foundation Fe owship(1993) and has received a New York State Council on the Arts Individual Artists Grant seven times. His insta ation work has been shown at the Tribeca 148 Ga ery (NYC), the Miami Art Museum and the International Center for Photography in NYC.